Production and Supply Chain Visibility

Globalisation, social media and mass customization are some of the factors that are deeply impacting production and supply chain activities. In a highly connected world, it is of paramount that distributed production and supply chain activities are tracked and risks are managed before they become problems.

To address the need for greater visibility, shared understanding and expectancy of distributed activities taking place in collaborative networks or supply chains, Xgility introduces TANGO.

 TANGO (inTer orgANisational planninG and cOordination) is a shared production planning and coordination system that goes beyond activity tracking to provide reliable insights that can save time and money for collaborative companies.

TANGO enables the development of (shared) plans and provides necessary interfaces and APIs to capture reports, IoT data, and information system feeds that articulate the plans and coordinate the associated partner activities. The plans can be dynamically updated to mitigate risks and the real-time status of the planned activities can be shared among partners to bring visibility and necessary level of trust in supply chain activities.

TANGO helps establish connectivity between distributed partners in collaborative networks and ensures efficient orchestration, management and coordination of distributed but interlinked activities taking place at partner sites …

TANGO brings necessary visibility, transparency and trust in collaborative activities through real-time notification and feedback mechanism that brings information from humans, systems and services on the same page…

TANGO is offered both as a cloud-based solution and in an onsite deployment model, allowing for greater control over the users and data

To organise a demonstration or discuss the usage of TANGO in your specific scenario, please get in touch with our technical team through the Contact Us page.